TB Joshua’s Last Visit To The Prayer Mountain, Events That Occurred
Even though Prophet TB Joshua’s death is still difficult to understand, many news sources can’t help but recall and highlight his actions prior to his untimely death since he left a positive legacy.
Throughout his life, he was a devout and devout Christian who spent practically all of his time to worshiping the Lord and serving people. Miracles, prophesy, counseling, deliverance, long mountain prayers, fasting, and other activities were among his many accomplishments.
Last Visit To The Prayer Mountain
As a result, he became well-known for sleeping on a mountain while praying intensely and fasting for several days. The events that occurred the last time the legendary Prophet visited the mountains are what I want to share with you today.
It was truly a peaceful location in an inner town near to Lagos, where the mountain is located. Because the mountain is thought to be a holy spot, the prophet always chooses to worship there.
Furthermore, one of the practices of the founder of Christianity, Lord Jesus Christ, is to worship on the mountains.
Last Visit To The Prayer Mountain
Following a botched prophesy concerning a Coronavirus epidemic, he decided to go to the mountain. In one of his typical sermons, he declared that Covid 19 will be eradicated from the Earth’s surface by March 27, 2020, following a devastating Covid 19 viral epidemic.
In a viral video, the Man Of God was seen praying fervently while praising the name of God on the mountain.
Last Visit To The Prayer Mountain
Here’s what he said on the mountain during the prayer session:
As it was five months since his prophesy failed since his prophesy never came true, the virus was still murdering millions of people throughout the world.
TB Joshua’s last visit to the prayer mountain, events that occurred. What are your thoughts on his actions?